
Instilling A Growth Mindset In Our Children

Why should we instill a growth mindset in our children? How does it help children develop resilience? Sybella Ng gives some insights into the constructs of growth mindset and how it can be nurtured in all of us with host, Eva Christodoulou on Leaderonomics FM.

Why Is Grit So Important

What is grit and why is it important in a child’s life? Sybella Ng dives deep into the analysis of grit with host, Eva Christodoulou on Leaderonomics FM.

Developmental Psychology And Socio-Emotional Learning

How do we teach children to express and regulate their emotions in appropriate ways? Why is social-emotional learning important to a child’s development? Sybella Ng and Eugene Tee uncover various aspects of social-emotional development in children on BFM Night School.

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